Czech Language
The official language spoken in the Czech Republic and in Prague is Czech. Strongly influenced by Latin and German, it is extremely different from English, with the exception of a few words.
Useful Czech phrases
Although travellers will be able to get by in English in Prague without any problem, here is a list of basic expressions in Czech that can come in handy:
Expressions of courtesy
- Hello
- Dobrý den
- Goodbye
- Na shledanou
- Good morning
- Dobré ráno
- Good night
- Dobrou noc
- You are welcome
- Prosím
- Please
- Prosím
- Thank you
- Děkuju
- Excuse me
- Prominte
- Sorry
- Prominte
- How are you?
- Jak se máte?
- Very well, thank you
- Děkuji, dobře
Basic phrases
- Yes
- Ano
- No
- Ne
- What’s your name?
- Jak se jmenujete?
- How much is it?
- Kolik to stojí?
- One
- Jedna / jedno
- Two
- dva / dvě
- Three
- Tři
- Four
- Čtyři
- Five
- Pět
- Six
- Šest
- Seven
- Sedm
- Eight
- Osm
- Nine
- Devět
- Ten
- Deset
Useful food expressions
- One beer please
- Jedno pivo prosim
- Soup
- Polevky
- Meat
- Maso
- Beef
- Hovězí
- Turkey
- Krůti
- Fish
- Ryby
- Chips
- Hranolky
- Starters
- Předkrmy
- Main dish
- Hlavní Jidlo
- Pork
- Vepřové
- Chicken
- Kuřeci
- Roast duck
- Kachna
- Vegetarian dishes
- Bezmasa Jidla
- Cheese
- Sýr
- Rice
- Rýže